This Boy Took The Most Hilarious School Photos
We all remember picture day in elementary school. Your parents would make you dress in fancy outfits and do weird stuff to your hair and tell you to smile so they could send photos to Aunt Nancy and the grandparents. It was the worst.
And that is why I, and many other people on the internet, have taken great pleasure in watching the exploits of Andrew Miles of Atlanta. Andrew decided that he was not going to simply smile for this photo, he was going to be captured in all his glory mid blood-curling scream. When his mother, Stronajai Miles, found the photos on March 10, well, she was not pleased:
“I was getting ready for Monday, and wanted to make sure everything was signed and ready to go on for the upcoming week,” the mom told WFMY News. “I opened the book bag and I was in just total shock.
“I said, ‘Really, Drew?'”
Andrew (wearing a Superman T-shirt, in case there was any remaining doubt that this kid is awesome) said in a video interview with Atlanta station 11Alive had a pretty simple explanation for the face. “Because that was a crazy face!”
Now, Andrew’s mother wasn’t particularly happy with the face he made or his photos. She is his mother — that is her job. But the rest of the world thought it was hilarious.
Her post has already been shared more than 40,000 times with more than 50,000 reactions and thousands of comments, most of them assuring Miles she would later come to treasure a photo showcasing her son’s personality. Besides, the joke will be on him when she can take these photos out at his graduation and birthday and wedding to embarrass him to no end.
Personally, I think it’s also a great marketing opportunity. I want this picture on T-shirts, calendars, coffee mugs, pretty much everything.
Besides, other schools have shown it’s OK to have fun with class photos.
[H/t: Popsugar]