Watch this cat put fellow climbers to shame at an indoor climbing gym


It’s no secret that cats love to climb things. Trees. Furniture. Telephone poles. So it’s no surprise that when one cat found a home at a gym in Japan, she decided to give their climbing wall a go.

Meet Lala, a rescue cat who lives at the Boulbaka bouldering gym in Okinawa, Japan. A gym patron posted a video of this talented feline climbing a wall last year and it quickly went viral.

“The gym owner found her outside as a kitten and rescued her,” Reddit user Hachidream posted. “She started climbing on her own after watching people climbing all day. When people come and climb for the first time, she’ll often jump on the wall with them to show how it’s done.”

Of course, while Lala has four legs and nine lives, she still found what goes up must come down.

“At first she would meow to be let down, but she has learned to down-climb by herself,” Hachidream wrote.

You can watch Lala doing her thing here:

Lala may be an expert climber, but she likes to remind people that, above all else, she is still a cat.

“She’s tiny and adorable, but has a wild personality,” Hachidream wrote. “You’ll be minding your own business and she’ll just casually stroll over and bite your ankle, or aim for the veins on your wrist to let you know she knows your human weaknesses and to stay in line.”


We definitely wouldn’t want to challenge her on a climbing wall!

[H/t Huffington Post]

Animals, Good News, Pets
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About the Author
Mitchell Byars
Mitchell Byars was born and raised in Hawaii and currently lives in Boulder, Colorado, where he is a reporter. On his free time, he likes to golf, swim and enjoy a nice beer.

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