Dad chronicles weekend with his daughter’s dog in the most hilarious way

Twitter | Meghan Specksgoor

One woman—child-free, but with her very own fur baby—is making the rest of us crack up by recounting the weekend her dad spent watching her dog. “My dad is babysitting Chance this weekend while I’m in NYC, someone please get this man a grandchild,” Twitter user Meghan Specksgoor wrote. More than 50,000 people have since retweeted her post, which contains screenshots of the hilarious updates her dad texted her throughout the weekend:

The pair had a weekend full of adventures, and Grandpa kept Mom very updated on the fun with texts and photos. And of course, Specksgoor’s dad took on the dog’s character for a quick question and photo.

“Grandpa wants to know what kind of take out I can have?we are starving,” he texted.


The dynamic Grandpa-dog duo also hit up a nail salon, and then decided on ice cream for dessert. At which point, “Chance” texted his owner another question:

“Hi mom, it’s me again,” said the message. “We had a picnic and are going to the nail salon now. Gramps said if I’m good I can have ice cream when I’m done. What kind do I like again?”


The dog also had an important reminder for Specksgoor about how much he loves his “Gramps,” writing, “Hate to keep bothering you mom, but we really need to hang out with gramps more.”


The fun weekend eventually came to an end with a sleepover, shared with Specksgoor the last night of her trip. “Hey mom, gramps is going to sleep with me tonight, is there anything we need to tell him? Hope you are having as much fun as I am,” the dog purportedly wrote. “[S]ee  you tomorrow and good night, love you sooo much.”


Specksgoor told Bored Panda she named her adopted buddy after Chance the Rapper. As for whether she feels that he’s being spoiled during weekends with Gramps: “Chance is allowed to do whatever he wants with my dad—like an actual grandchild—and is given all sorts of treats the whole time he’s with him,” she said.

Animals, Pets

About the Author
Haley Otman
Haley Otman is a news and features writer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she roots for the University of Michigan Wolverines. A former broadcast news producer, Haley has 10 years of writing experience and has worked in both journalism and public relations.

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