How To Get Your Daily Dose Of Calcium Without Consuming Dairy

We were all told growing up how important it was to drink a glass of milk with every meal, as it contains calcium that encourages strong bones.

For a long time, dairy was considered the best source of calcium, until new research began to emerge that found that this might not be the case.

One study found that drinking lots of milk did not reduce bone fractures, and it actually led to a higher risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Our bones do need calcium to stay strong, and although more research is still being done, it’s starting to look like dairy may not be the best source of the nutrient after all.

That being said, calcium is still essential for a healthy diet – you just need to find other, more effective ways of consuming the mineral. If you want to get more of the nutrient into your diet without relying on milk, try these seven sources of calcium that aren’t dairy.

1. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as collard greens, kale, bok choy, swiss chard, and spinach are a good source calcium. Toss them in salads, sauté them in pasta, or add them to soups for an extra boost of the mineral.

leafy greens photo
Photo by USDAgov

2. Sardines

These fatty high fish contain a high amount of calcium because of their soft edible bones. A three-ounce serving of sardines contains 20-30 percent of your daily recommended value of calcium, making these sea creatures a great option when it comes to your health.

sardines photo
Photo by matsuyuki

3. White Beans

One cup of cooked white beans contains 140 mg of calcium, the equivalent of half a glass of milk. Use white beans instead of meat in your usual dishes, or add them to a salad or soup for added nutrients.

white beans photo
Photo by judywitts

4. Oranges

In addition to their high vitamin C content, oranges are a good source of plant-based calcium. One small orange contains 38 mg of the nutrient, so snack on the citrus fruit in between meals to reap its benefits.

oranges photo
Photo by fred_v

5. Almonds

Just one ounce of almonds contains 75 mg of calcium, so it’s not a bad idea to much on these heart-healthy nuts daily. Bring them to work as a snack, or add them to your salads and smoothies for added crunch and nutrients.

almonds photo
Photo by HealthAliciousNess

6. Broccoli

There’s a reason your mom stressed the importance of eating broccoli as a child. A single cup of the cruciferous vegetable contains 180 mg of calcium — 18 percent of your daily value.

broccoli photo
Photo by amseaman

7. Dried Figs

Dried figs are a treat on their own, but they also contain a hearty amount of the healthy-bone-promoting mineral. One cup of dried figs contains 68 milligrams, and you can add them to your breakfast smoothies, oatmeals, or even your salads for an extra-boost of the essential nutrient.

figs photo
Photo by Gudlyf

Photo by marc kjerland

Photo by JeepersMedia

Food, Health
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About the Author
Carina Wolff
Carina is a health and wellness journalist based in Los Angeles. When she’s not writing, doing yoga, or exploring mountains and beaches, she spends her time cooking and creating recipes for her healthy food blog, Kale Me Maybe. Carina is also an ongoing writer for Bustle, Reader's Digest, FabFitFun, and more.

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