Michelle Obama’s Open eBooks Gives Children Access To Millions Of Free Books


All children deserve the opportunity to grow and learn through reading, and that’s exactly what President Obama’s initiative, ConnectED, is aiming to provide.

Through this program, reportedly more than $250 million worth of e-books are going to be available online so that children can broaden their horizons through curling up with a good book.

The initiative is aimed at kids in kindergarten through 12 grade, especially those who don’t have access to books at home. By downloading the Open eBooks app, children will be able to unlock a world of possibilities through reading.

Access to the titles within the app will be given through their local library, their school or after school programs. And in case little ones don’t have access to a smartphone or tablet, the program is also working to make it easier for them to borrow these devices through schools and libraries, according to Upworthy.

The best part of all is that this service is completely free. So, even if hard copies aren’t accessible, kids can still have an extensive library at their fingertips because a love of reading goes a long way. And every child deserves to know the power of a good book.

Listen to Michelle Obama explain Open eBooks in this video:

[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/EfpgRiD4BF4″]

It doesn’t matter if it’s coming in the form of a hard copy or online, a good book is still a good book. Get excited because story time with your kiddos is about to get a whole lot better.

[h/t: Upworthy]

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About the Author
Augusta Statz
I have a B.F.A. in Writing from the Savannah College of Art and Design. I’m an avid writer with a genuine sense of curiosity. I feel the best way to absorb the world around you is through fashion, art and food, so that’s what I spend most of my time writing about.

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