Never seen ‘Star Wars’? You can get paid $1,000 to watch all 9 movies

Young woman watching watching a movie with popcorn.

If watching all the films in the “Star Wars” franchise has always been on your to-do list, but you’ve yet to accomplish the task, there’s now another reason you’ll want to make watching the movies a priority.

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of “The Phantom Menace” and May 4 (“May the Fourth” is also known as Star Wars Day), the website FinanceBuzz is looking to hire someone who has never seen the films — who they’re calling a “wookiee rookie” — to watch all nine movies in chronological order and answer one simple question: Are the “Star Wars” films really worth the hype?

The films will take a total of 25 hours and 7 minutes to watch, but if you’re chosen, you’ll receive $1,000 for your time. You’ll also get an additional $100 to cover the cost of streaming, movie tickets and snacks to make sure you can watch all the films — and enjoy a treat while you’re at it.

Man watching TV

MORE: Meet the new Star Wars droids roaming around Disneyland

To be considered, you must be a complete first-timer to the franchise, which means you have not played any “Star Wars” video games or seen any movies or show — and yes, that includes “The Mandalorian.”

Starting in the order the films were released, you’ll first watch “Episode IV: A New Hope” and finish with “Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.” While it may seem confusing that you’re starting on a film with “four” in the title instead of “one,” FinanceBuzz says that just means you’re the right person for the job, so you don’t need to understand anything to apply.

You have until May 4 to apply by filling out a short form. You’ll find out if you were chosen within two weeks and will then have one week to complete the assignment. If you choose to split your 25 hours over the course of seven days, you’ll need to watch around four hours a day.

May the Fourth be with you!

Entertainment, Movies & TV, News, Work

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About the Author
Kaitlin Gates
Kaitlin is a freelance multimedia journalist with a degree in journalism and psychology. Along with Simplemost, she also writes for Don't Waste Your Money, where she loves finding great deals to help people save money.

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