Pillsbury now makes 3 Flavors of ‘Place and Bake’ Brownies


If your idea of baking cookies is similar to mine, it consists of heading to the store for those little break-apart dough squares that magically turn into actual cookies when baked in your kitchen oven. Not only are they literally as easy as plopping cookie dough onto a baking tray (no fancy stand mixer required!), but they’re also pretty darn delicious.

You can find them in tons of flavors, too, like peanut butter, limited-edition marshmallow and, of course, chocolate chip. Despite all the cookie flavor choices, however, the little ready-to-bake treats have been limited to just cookies, ignoring a major player in the baked dessert game — brownies!

Lucky for us, Pillsbury noticed this hole in the dessert world and created just what we needed — place-and-bake brownies in three flavors: fudge, peanut butter and marshmallow!


The brownies are just as easy to make as the cookies, providing a quick and easy dessert with no mess that tastes just like homemade brownies. Each package contains 12 brownie dough rounds and they’re ready in 19–21 minutes.

The brownies can be made individually in a muffin pan with a liner if you just want a single serving (yeah, right…), or you can make all 12 brownies in an 8×8 pan. They’re available at select retailers now and will be rolling out nationally at the end of July for $3.29 per package.


If you actually like baking from scratch and want to combine your love of cookies and brownies, this recipe for peanut butter cookie stuffed brownies might just be the best thing you’ve ever made. These taste fabulous with a cup of coffee!

While you can certainly create both the peanut butter cookie and brownie doughs, you can also use boxed brownie mix to make it a little less complicated. The peanut butter cookies will be baked right into the brownies, so make sure you whip up the cookie dough first. Then, spread the brownie batter into a lined pan and drop a scoop of the cookie dough right into the brownie batter. Yum!

Which flavor of Pillsbury’s new place-and-break brownies are you most excited to try?

Desserts, Food, Shopping
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About the Author
Kaitlin Gates
Kaitlin is a freelance multimedia journalist with a degree in journalism and psychology. Along with Simplemost, she also writes for Don't Waste Your Money, where she loves finding great deals to help people save money. Visit Scripps News to see more of Kaitlin's work.

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