Someone Invented the Perfect Desk For Napping (aka George Costanza’s Sleeping Desk)

NL Studio

Remember that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza had a custom desk built so he could catch a nap while working for the Yankees?   Well, that desk is now a reality.  NL Studio, a Greek architecture firm, created  the “1.6 S.M. of Life Desk.”  The desk is designed to break down into a bed for a quick nap.

Here’s how Athanasia Leivaditou, the inventer,  described it:

The main concept was to comment on the fact that many times our lives are “shrinking” in order to fit into the confined space of our office. Eventually, I realized that each civilization may have a very different perception of things depending on its social context. For example, this desk could be used for a siesta or for a few hours of sleep at night on those days when someone struggles to meet deadlines.

It’s not available purchase yet, but if you study this closely enough, I think you may be able inspire your inner DIY.

Here’s George’s Desk from Seinfeld:

They Finally Built George Costanza’s Sleeper Desk | CityLab

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About the Author
Will Schuerman
Will loves discovering and sharing tips to help make life easier. In addition to his passion for hacks and tips, Will is a former granola business proprietor and a life long techie.

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