7 Alternative Uses For Your Keurig – It Can Do More Than Make Coffee

Love them or hate them, Keurig single-serve coffee makers are sitting on kitchen counters and in company break rooms all over the world.

The convenience and selection of coffee, tea and hot chocolate pods have enticed most of us. I admit that I held out for a while, thinking that my traditional Mr. Coffee machine made better coffee and was less expensive. It does and ground coffee is cheaper, but the ease of brewing a single-serve cup of my choice at the push of a button lured me in too.

Here are some ways to use the Keurig for more than just making coffee.

1. Instant Meals

oatmeal photo

Your mornings just got easier. Place instant oatmeal in a bowl under the dispenser and brew without inserting a pod for steaming hot water in minutes! This works for instant noodles, soups, mac-n-cheese, and the list goes on.

2. Make Pasta

If instant noodles aren’t your style, try this recipe for making your favorite pasta using the hot water from a Keurig.

3. Prepare Some Baby Food

baby food photo
Photo by -Abdik-

New parents are probably well-acquainted with their Keurig, but to get even more use out of your appliance, brew the hot water in a mug as a bottle warmer or to prepare instant baby rice and cereals without microwaving or waiting for water to boil on the stove.

4. Skip The Cups And Make Your Own Hot Beverages

hot chocolate photo
Photo by starshaped

Many varieties of hot tea and hot chocolate pods are available, but they can get pricey. Instead, place your own tea bag or hot chocolate mix in a mug and brew the perfect cup with instant hot water. Skip the microwave and pan.

5. Use Second Pass Pods

Although K-cups are not meant to be reused, some stronger coffee varieties aren’t bad the second time around. The second pass produces less coffee and won’t be as strong, but the savings might be worth it to you.

And thanks to our Facebook fan, Rosanne, we know you achieve the Second Pass Pods with the Keurig 2.0 as well by purchasing reusable cups:

6. Make A Heavenly Dessert

Affogato photo
Photo by woo.is.mee

Affogato, which means “drowned” in Italian, is a dessert that almost any coffee lover will enjoy and you can make it in minutes with this recipe. Brew any coffee or hot chocolate pod with a mug of ice cream under the dispenser and enjoy!

7. Craft Cocktails

If you need something stronger than coffee, brew flavored pods and then mix with alcohol for coffee or tea flavored cocktails. Anyone for a Bourbon Mint Tea or Moscow Hot Chocolate?

Photo by Tobyotter

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About the Author
Crystal Lozano
Crystal is a stay-at-home mom who enjoys writing, traveling, community service work and almost any distraction from folding laundry.

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