We’ve Been Using Post-It Notes The Wrong Way This Whole Time


From leaving a reminder for the kids or your spouse, to keeping track of ideas at the office, sticky notes are used throughout many aspects of our lives.

However, have you noticed that big gap between the note and the wall?  Have no fear, there is a solution to the problem.

The Wrong Way:

First, you are likely using them the wrong way and that’s what is causing the gap. You are pulling from the bottom up. Tisk tisk. According to blogger, Mark Schapendonk, this is not the proper way to use them.


The Right Way:

You should pull the sticky note from the side, not the bottom. To have the sticky note lay flush to the wall, simply start at a top-corner and then peel horizontally across when pulling one from the stack.


The Comparison:



About the Author
Will Schuerman
Will loves discovering and sharing tips to help make life easier. In addition to his passion for hacks and tips, Will is a former granola business proprietor and a life long techie.

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