What are poodle cats (besides the cutest curly-haired felines)?
If you’re looking for a feline friend with maximum fluffiness, you might want to check out the poodle cat. This cat—actually called the Selkirk Rex—is often compared to poodles because of its curly, fluffy coat.
Never heard of it? That may be because the very first poodle cat—Agnes DiPesto, named after the curly-haired receptionist on the TV show “Moonlighting”—wasn’t born until 1987. Much later, researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna declared these unique kitties to be of a genetically distinct breed.
What Sets Poodle Cats Apart From Other Cats?
It turns out that poodle cats’ distinctive fur is the result of a genetic quirk. Their kinky hair is a dominant trait, making it easy for breeders to retain the curls while crossbreeding in order to maintain genetic diversity.
And while there are actually four types of cats with curly hair—including the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex and the LaPerm—with its thicker coat, the Selkirk Rex is not prone to balding like the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex.
These funky felines even have curly whiskers!
The Selkirk Rex can be long- or short-haired, and they come in a variety of colors. And if you guessed that all that fur might take some intense maintenance, you’d be right. They have to be brushed more often than other types of cats in order to keep their curls in check.
Poodle cats also tend to shed a lot, and aren’t recommended for those with allergies. But they sure are cute!
In addition to their unique appearance, poodle cats are known for their relaxed, friendly nature. They’re good around both people and other cats, and they’re also playful.
Pricing varies for these cats, depending upon a number of factors, though they’re considered one of the most expensive cat breeds, with prices ranging between $500 and $800.
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