We tried the new Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes mash-up

Bridget Sharkey

When I first heard about the new Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes, I couldn’t wait to pick up a box at the grocery store. It was the marriage of two beloved breakfast cereals, and I knew the combination would be magically delicious indeed. But unfortunately, when I asked my grocery store clerk about the product, I was met with confusion. “Yes, we have Lucky Charms,” he said. And, “Yes, we have Frosted Flakes.”

“No, SIR! I want them in the SAME box.”

Confusion reigned. Finally, I was able to convince this employee that I was not having a fever dream but was in fact speaking of the new General Mills cereal.

(By the way, these are NOT Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes mixed up with Lucky Charms marshmallows. Rather, this new cereal contains General Mills-made frosted flakes, which have taken the place of the traditional toasted oat pieces that are usually in Lucky Charms.)

After several attempts at a few different grocery stores, as well as Target, I was finally able to secure a box of Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes (I paid $4.15 for a 13.8 oz box) at a local supermarket. Unfortunately, in the process, I lost my dignity, as I caused several store employees to believe that I either had a severe case of the munchies or an untreated head injury.

Regardless, I eagerly took the box home and gave it a try. My verdict?

Bridget Sharkey

I didn’t…love it. It satisfied, sure, but I just found myself wishing I had a bowl of the OG Lucky Charms. The flakes tasted just like Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, and the marshmallows were sweet and succulent as ever, but…it tasted wrong somehow. Like eating tacos on a hamburger bun instead of a taco shell.

I guess it all depends on what you’re looking for. If you want something new and unique, Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes will certainly satisfy. If you’re a creature of habit when it comes to junk food, you’re probably not going to love this mash-up.

Bridget Sharkey

I’ll still finish the box, of course…or at least eat all the marshmallows out of it and then throw the half-eaten frosted flakes away. You know, just like a real mature 33-year-old would do.

[h/t: TODAY]

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About the Author
Bridget Sharkey
Bridget Sharkey is a freelance writer covering pop culture, beauty, food, health and nature. Visit Scripps News to see more of Bridget's work.

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