16 Brilliant Hacks To Organize And Clean Your Fridge And Freezer


When you think about cleaning and scrubbing around your home, a good place to start is your refrigerator and freezer. This area is usually begging to be cleaned and reorganized.

Start by removing any groceries that have expired or are going unused. From spoiled yogurt to unused cheeses, there are several items that could be cluttering the space.

From there, consider ways to reorganize your space. Are there areas that could be utilized more? Are their places that could harbor more items? Here’s 16 great tips to get the most out of this small space.

1. Store Groceries In Baskets

Add more storage space by using small baskets to keep your fruit and vegetables organized. Bonus points if the the baskets have handles.


2. Label Everything

Give everything a place by assigning labels to individuals baskets or areas in your fridge. It’s an easy way to add simple, yet effective organization.


3. Get Lazy

Store the stuff in your fridge more efficiently by keeping them in a lazy susan.



4. Freeze Foods Flat

Increase storage space by pouring soup and other food items into baggies, as food blogger Laure Greutman does, laying them flat and freezing them. Then stack them on top of each other or stand upright for easier storage.

Lauren Greutman

5. Utilize Mason Jars

Keep your groceries tasting fresh by storing them in Mason jars, as illustrated by Healthy Happy Life. Not only will they extend the shelf life of your fruits and veggies, but it will also help to improve the storage space in your fridge.


6. Grab A Carton

Use an emptied carton of eggs to store your condiments. Placing them upside not only allows for less squeezing, but it also keeps your bottles localized in one place.

7. Put Condiments In Same-Sized Bottles

This will ensure everything fits, and you can see how much is left of each one.


8. Make Your Own Cubbies

Keep your freezer organized by making sections. If you don’t like cutting wood, get clever with a few plastic bins to create separation. Get the DIY tutorial here.

9. Make It A Chalkboard

Cover your fridge with chalkboard paint to give yourself extra space for a grocery list or menu.


10. Or Use Dry Erase Markers

Dry erase markers are an easy alternative for those who don’t want to paint their fridge.


11. Create Your Own Mats

Make cleaning up spills a breeze by using handy mats to line the shelves of your fridge. Get the DIY tutorial.

The Grant Life
Mom Makes Dinner

12. Add New Space

Give your freezer a bit more wiggle room by using binder clips as hooks for bagged items. How easy is that?

bagged food photo
Getty Images | Justin Sullivan


13. Work With Magnets

Move your smaller plastic containers out of the way by applying magnets to their bottoms. Stick them to the edge of the fridge and voila!


14. Re-Use Old Six Pack Containers

Keep loose bottles and condiments organized by re-using old six pack containers.

six pack beer photo
Getty Images | Drew Angerer

15. Repurpose Plastic Containers

Up-cycle clean plastic containers to store cut fruit and vegetables.


16. Reduce Wasted Food

Once opened, some foods have a shorter shelf life. Put these in a special bin at the front of your fridge —or use food date labels — so it’s easy to see. This helps make sure those get eaten first!


What tips and hacks do you have to organize your fridge?

Cleaning & Organization, Home, Life Hacks, Tips & Advice
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About the Author
Emily McClure
Emily McClure is a freelance beauty blogger, event coordinator, and social media addict. When she isn't swatching lipsticks, you can find her ogling puppies and laughing at her own jokes. Her work has been published in The Boston Globe, HerCampus.com, and Bustle.

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