Brides are replacing their wedding bouquets with cotton candy and the results are too sweet to ignore


When I got married over a decade ago, I walked down the aisle with a beautiful bouquet of purple roses, with crystals thrown in for extra bling. My bouquet and I looked amazing. But if I had to do it all over again, I would totally hop onto this cotton candy bouquet trend because let’s be real — as someone who was once gifted two separate cotton candy machines on her birthday, and who would live on pure sugar if she could, nothing would be more on-brand.

Delish reported on this cotton candy trend, focusing in on bride Faheema Chaudhury, the artist behind Unicorn Crafts.

“I loooooove cotton candy,” she told Delish. “And knew I had to make a cotton candy bouquet for my wedding.”

But Chaudhury isn’t the only lucky bride sashaying down the aisle with a fistful of spun sugar. Instagram is filled with brides — and bridal parties — who are all in on this new wedding trend.

LollipuffCottonCandy, a gourmet cotton candy purveyor that also caters events in Utah, has a few wedding photos in their feed, like this one, where the couple went for a carnival / circus-themed wedding:

And how cute do these two look? If I were this bride, I would not share — first day of forever together or not:

I … am so jealous.

And look at these lovely ladies, featured on the @georgestreetphoto Instagram account:

This is the only time I’ve been envious of bridesmaids.

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve salivated over edible bouquets, feeling crushing regret that I did not think of anything so earth-shatteringly awesome when planning my own wedding. Remember the pizza bouquets we posted about back in June?Just thinking about them makes me hungry. Some brides have also carried donut bouquets.

And now Walmart is selling various candy bouquets for Valentine’s Day.

What do you think? Would you carry an edible bouquet down the aisle?

Family & Parenting, Fashion & Style, Food, Relationships

About the Author
Steph Auteri
Steph Auteri has written about women's health, sexuality, and sex education for the Atlantic, Pacific Standard, VICE, the Establishment, and other publications. She also nerds out on the regular at Book Riot, teaches vinyasa yoga, and manages to somehow squeeze in the whole motherhood thing.

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